
What is Anthracnose?

Anthracnose is a leaf fungus disease that attacks Sycamore, Ash, Oak, Japanese Maple, Chitalpa, and Evergreen Elm trees. In the central valley, we usually see Anthracnose on Sycamore, Chitalpa, and Modesto Ash trees.

What are the symptoms?

When your tree begins to leaf out for the season you will notice dead areas along the major leaf veins, curling and distorted leaves. Mature leaves are resistant to infection, and rarely you may see spotty lesions.

How does Anthracnose spread?

Anthracnose fungi spread during the winter and spring months, from other infected twigs or dead leaf litter. In the spring when it rains and sprinkler water hit these trees, the fungi germinate and microscopic spores infect the young leaves and twigs on trees. This disease will slow down during hot and dry weather.

Treatment Options:

  • Fungicide Application
    Tree DoctoRx offers a fungicide treatment on Sycamore and Modesto Ash trees for Anthracnose by spraying the trees in early spring. This treatment will help protect your tree from new infections but will not eradicate existing infections. Depending on weather conditions and severity of the disease, we may need to perform additional treatments as recommended. Annual Spring treatments are recommended to help control the anthracnose disease. Contact us for more information.
  • Tree Pruning
    Throughout the year we recommend pruning your Sycamore, Chitalpa and Modesto Ash trees by removing the infected twigs and branches. Contact us for more information.

For more information on Anthracnose, go to the following link: